Il genio letterario fuorilegge di Hunter S. Thompson
The outlaw genius writer Hunter S. Thompson

Roma, Cineclub Detour – Giovedì 24 aprile dalle ore 19.30
Due film inediti al prezzo di uno! Non puoi mancare.


ore 19.30 

Breakfast with Hunter (HUNTER S. THOMPSON)

di Wayne Ewing (USA, 2003, 90′, english vers. sott. italiano)


Documentario inedito in Italia, offerto per voi dal Detour. Vita, opere, processi, trionfi, cospirazioni, di Hunter S. Thompson, famigerato giornalista “fuorilegge”, icona culturale, autore di romanzi cult come “Paura e Delirio a Las Vegas”, “The Rum Diary” e “Hell’s Angels”, consumatore compulsivo di sostanze stupefacenti, candidato sceriffo, ambientalista e pistolero, imputato, inventore dello stile “gonzo journalism”. A completare il ritratto di un personaggio controverso ci sono i suoi amici di sempre: gli attori Jonny Depp, Benicio Del Toro, John Cusack, l’artista Ralph Steadmna, il musicista Warren Zevon, i colleghi giornalisti George Plimpton e P.J. O’Rourke. 

A documentary on the infamous gonzo journalist, Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. “Wayne Ewing’s cinema verité portrait of the Doctor of Gonzo Journalism is a keyhole to the everyday life of Hunter S. Thompson. Through years of edited film without any narration or interview from Ewing, this everyday life given to the viewer comes as a bit of a surprise. It is uncommon yet somehow natural. The Thompson one might have predicted is shown throwing a Chivas Regal bottle, spraying people with a fire extinguisher, manhandling blow-up sex dolls, shooting high-powered revolvers, etc. What one doesn’t expect is the warm interaction between Thompson and his friends. He embraces what might be considered the basket of a flip-flopped American Dream – Hollywood – in his friendships with John Cusack, Johnny Depp, Benicio Del Toro and Terry Gilliam .” (From IMDB)

ore 21.15

Where the Buffalo Roam

di Art Linson (USA, 1980, 95′, english vers. sott. italiano) con Bill Murray e Peter Boyle


A cura del Detour un assoluto inedito in Italia. Chi non ricorda le allucinazioni di Johnny Depp e Benicio Del Toro in Paura e delirio a Las Vegas? Quasi venti anni prima Art Linson, futuro produttore di block buster hollywoodiani, aveva già messo in immagini il libro di Hunter S.Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Paura e disgusto a Las Vegas). Come e più della successiva trasposizione di Terry Gilliam, Where the Buffalo Roam è una sequenza di episodi grotteschi e disarmanti. Con un giovane e brillantissimo Bill Murray nei panni di Hunter Thompson. Spettacolare la colonna sonora a cura di Neil Young, che include brani originali oltre a Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, The Temptations e Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Where the Buffalo Roam is a 1980 American semi-biographical comedy film which loosely depicts Hunter S. Thompson’s rise to fame in the 1970s and his relationship with Chicano attorney and activist Oscar Zeta Acosta. Art Linson directed the picture, while Bill Murray portrayed the author and Peter Boyle portrayed Acosta, who is referred to in the film as Carl Lazlo, Esq. A number of other names, places, and details of Thompson’s life are also changed. Thompson served as “executive consultant” on the film. The film was scored by Neil Young, who sings the opening theme, “Home on the Range”, accompanied by a harmonica. Variations on “Home on the Range” are played by Young on electric guitar as “Ode to Wild Bill” and by an orchestra with arrangements by David Blumberg on “Buffalo Stomp”. Music in the film included rock and R&B songs by Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, The Temptations, the Four Tops and Creedence Clearwater Revival. Additionally, characters played by Bill Murray and Rene Auberjonois sing lyrics from “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”.