Cinema Detour, Via Urbana 107 Roma
Giovedì 20 giugno 2019 ore 21.00 / June 20 2019, Thursday 9.00pm
Regia/Director di Saskia Boddeke
(con Peter Greenaway, Pip Greenaway, Saskia Boddeke 2018, 78′. v.o.inglese sottotitoli italiano)
ITA. “La vita è arte e l’arte è vita”. Questo il motto di Peter Greenaway, filmmaker fra i più eclettici del cinema contemporaneo. Partendo da questa premessa Saskia Boddeke, artista multimediale nonché moglie del regista, fa incursione nella mente del marito. La creatività di Greenaway è incorniciata in una conversazione con la figlia adolescente Pip, che in un dialogo ricco d’ironia mette in ordine alfabetico i punti salienti della vita del padre. “A come Amsterdam”, dice Mister Greenaway, ma anche “A come Autismo”, lo incalza Pip. Le domande della figlia lo colpiscono dritte al cuore, permettendo alla moglie di trarne un ritratto unico nel suo genere: quello di un visionario, sì, ma soprattutto di un uomo e della sua battaglia contro il tempo.
ENG. The fascinations of filmmaker Peter Greenaway, whose motto is “art is life and life is art,”are captured like butterflies and arranged in an alphabet, a form that suits him perfectly as an encyclopedist. In intimate conversations with his perceptive 16-year-old daughter Zoë, we discover the whos, whats and whys about Greenaway. They begin with A, which stands for Amsterdam, but could also stand for autism, Zoë suggests. Greenaway’s boundless creativity, unconstrained flow of words and passion for collecting certainly bring this to mind, and he admits to wearing the label with pride. The playful conversations don’t shy away from more painful topics; we hear that Greenaway hasn’t seen two other children of his for years. And later, heartbroken and in tears, Zoë asks him if for once he’ll stop talking like a commentator. Zoë’s spontaneous questions penetrate Greenaway to the core, enabling his wife, multimedia artist Saskia Boddeke, to make a deeply personal portrait not only of the artist, but also of Greenaway the father in his battle against time.
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Associazione Culturale Detour – Via Urbana 107 Roma–
Ingresso con tessera annuale 5 euro + quota partecipativa. Pre-tesseramento QUI. Prenotazioni QUI.
Detour è affiliato all’ASSO.N.A.M. e alla FICC (Federazione Italiana Circoli Cinema)
Admission: annual membership 5 euros + Entrance fee. Membership Request HERE. Seats Reservation HERE.
Detour is affiliated FICC (Federazione Italiana Circoli Cinema) and ASSO.N.A.M.
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