Giunto alla XXI edizione, il corso che hai sempre desiderato. Una docente professionista che metterà a disposizione tutte le sue conoscenze e il suo sapere. Un corso teorico-pratico dove non perderai neanche una lezione perché la potrai recuperare in privato. Patrizia Copponi è fotoreporter dal 1980. Ha collaborato con i maggiori settimanali, quotidiani e mensili italiani ed esteri. Si occupa da decenni dell’Organizzazione di attività culturali sulla comunicazione visiva e dell’insegnamento della Fotografia. Insegna al Detour dal 2012 con dedizione e passione.

On The Road Film Festival 8

OTRFF8 8 Special Event. “Osannaples”, has obtained the acclaimation of public and critics everywhere, for the originality of the story and the search of new languages. M. Deborah Farina, between the main directors of Italian independent cinema, returns to Detour to tell the story of the Neapolitan musical revolution, starting from the end of the Sixties, which saw the Osanna’s progressive-rock music (authors of cult records including “L’uomo”, “Palepoli”, “Milano calibro 9” with Luis Bacalov), as the main avant-garde, on whose artistic and human story the doc is based. 

On The Road Film Festival 8

The On the Road Film Festival is an independent festival of international significance which follows an original path inspired by travel, geographical wandering, making a track across wild lands and city landscapes. The cue for this the eighth season is the principal based on the ‘Path of Least Resistance’, a concept based on and borrowed from the second law of thermodynamics by which, water, for example, in its never-ending journey, always searches for the way which poses the least possible resistance.
A principle which grows into the Toaist philosophy of Wu wei, the non-action or better the understanding of when to act and when not to do so, when there is a prospect of harmony, equilibrium, economy and concentration of the forces.
A sober reminder to never put out the flame of Reason, while we turn to breathe in the warring fetid breathe at the heart of Europe.

VAMPYR. The horror classic by Carl Theodor Dreyer in a restored version

Presentazione del libro La paralisi dell’ONU, il coagularsi del blocco dei BRICS, la metamorfosi della politica estera dell’Unione Europea, la propagazione dello Stato Islamico in Africa, l’emergenza migratoria nel Mediterraneo, la proiezione meridionale di Turchia e Russia: tutte queste dinamiche sono strettamente connesse alla crisi che si protrae in Libia dal 2011. Nel frattempo il paese è diventato un laboratorio per la sperimentazione – spesso fallimentare – di diverse modalità di intervento internazionale e crisis management: la hybris liberale dell’egemonia occidentale si è ridimensionata alle esigenze dell’approccio light americano e del ritiro dal quadrante mediorientale; la stabilizzazione del vicinato dell’Unione Europea si è concentrata sulla lotta al terrorismo e alla migrazione irregolare, a scapito della riforma di un settore della sicurezza corrotto da interessi criminali e spinte centrifughe; e la competizione geopolitica nell’odierno contesto multipolare ha approfondito le faglie della politica libica, proiettandole su scala internazionale. Con lucidità e rigore, il libro indaga le rifrazioni interne e internazionali di una crisi che rappresenta non solo una sfida all’ordine costituito, ma anche, potenzialmente, una sfida costituente.

AFTER LOVE Miglior Attrice 75th BAFTA

A psychological thriller on the shoulders of an extraordinary performer like Joanna Scanlan. Mary Hussain converted to Islam when she married Ahmed, she is now in her 60s and they live peacefully together in the coastal town of Dover, England.
After her sudden death, she will discover that Ahmed had a secret life in Calais, across the Channel, a few miles away from their home. A revelation that will push her to investigate to find out more about that second family that her husband has always kept hidden from her.

IN PRIMA LINEA – Professione fotoreporter di guerra (v.o. italiano english subtitles)

The front line told through the lens of thirteen photojournalists, who with their shots showed the hell, the horrors, the suffering and the indelible scars of war. The voices, photographs and memories of men and women become the stages of a physical and emotional journey between past and present. Because the front line is not only where bombs are shot and dropped, but everywhere you “fight” daily for survival. Original Italian version with English subtitles.

AFTER LOVE Miglior Attrice 75th BAFTA

A psychological thriller on the shoulders of an extraordinary performer like Joanna Scanlan. Mary Hussain converted to Islam when she married Ahmed, she is now in her 60s and they live peacefully together in the coastal town of Dover, England.
After her sudden death, she will discover that Ahmed had a secret life in Calais, across the Channel, a few miles away from their home. A revelation that will push her to investigate to find out more about that second family that her husband has always kept hidden from her.

THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD (Verdens verste menneske, Norwegian o.v. Ita sub.)

The Worst Person in the World is a modern dramedy about the quest for love and meaning in contemporary Oslo. It chronicles four years in the life of Julie (Renate Reinsve), a young woman who navigates the troubled waters of her love life and struggles to find her career path, leading her to take a realistic look at who she really is.

AFTER LOVE Cannes Semaine de la Critique

A psychological thriller on the shoulders of an extraordinary performer like Joanna Scanlan. Mary Hussain converted to Islam when she married Ahmed, she is now in her 60s and they live peacefully together in the coastal town of Dover, England.
After her sudden death, she will discover that Ahmed had a secret life in Calais, across the Channel, a few miles away from their home. A revelation that will push her to investigate to find out more about that second family that her husband has always kept hidden from her.