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Per destinare il proprio 5X1000 al DETOUR è sufficiente inserire il codice fiscale dell’associazione: CODICE FISCALE 96331750586. Il campo da compilare sulla vostra dichiarazione dei redditi è il primo, quello relativo alle associazioni di volontariato e Onlus. Detour è stato riconosciuto ente di promozione sociale, grazie alla sua storia ventennale di diffusione della cultura cinematografica e ai numerosi progetti socio-culturali inclusivi che abbiamo attivato e sostenuto nel corso degli anni, finalizzati all’abbattimento totale delle barriere culturali e architettoniche. Il luogo del cinema assume il significato di arte accessibile, di arte che scende dal piedistallo dell’ottica commerciale della distribuzione per avvicinarsi alle persone, e annullare ogni tipo di stereotipo. Detour è portato avanti da soci volontari motivati dalla volontà di condividere la propria passione per il cinema e l’arte dalla possibilità di aprire e democratizzare l’esperienza creativa rendendola accessibile a gruppi di cittadini socialmente svantaggiati, diversamente abili, migranti, ecc. Detour è l’unico cineclub di Roma ad aver abbattuto completamente le barriere architettoniche fin dalla sua fondazione nel 1997.

MAY I BE HAPPY. Mindfulness in the Classroom and Beyond

May I Be Happy reveals the significance of “mindfulness” practice in transforming the lives of young people.
Through poetic cinematography and sequences of teachers leading sensitive or boisterous practices to kids from different backgrounds, the film brings awareness to the benefits of mindfulness as a way out of violence and suffering, and as an attainable solution for younger generations.
Covering varying approaches to mindfulness by a range of San Francisco Bay Area programs, May I Be Happy reminds us of children’s natural capacity for wellbeing, resilience and happiness.

EL PEPE. Una vida suprema. Emir Kusturica incontra Pepe Mujica

El Pepe is the guerrilla-style cognomen of former Uruguayan President José Mujica, who led the South American country from 2010 to 2015. Double Palme d’Or-winner Emir Kusturica started work on a film when Mujica was in the last months of his presidency. A series of conversations between the two titans is the backbone to El Pepe, a Supreme Life.

Kusturica opt for an impressionistic and intimate portrait rather than photographic detail or regurgitating facts. He mixes in footage from Costa Gavras’s 1972 political drama State of Siege as representing the era. But for the most part, Kusturica is happy to sit back, smoke a cigar and let Mujica have his moment. 

The film was played out of competition at the last Venice Film Festival.

ANTROPOCENE. L’epoca umana. Sundance Film Festival & Berlinale

On completion of the Global Climate Change Week 2019 Detour Cinema presents a cinematic meditation on humanity’s massive re-engineering of the planet. ANTHROPOCENE: The Human Epoch is a four years in the making feature documentary film from the multiple-award winning team of Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, and Edward Burtynsky. Narrated by Alicia Vikander. | “Masterfully detailed, captivating you visually with a subtle yet haunting musical layer to tell a difficult yet necessary story.” | “To reach a better future, we have first to imagine it. Anthropocene elucidates our monstrous deeds in a way that is observational rather than condemnatory.” | “As the filmmakers release us from our trance, we emerge concerned, horrified, but hopefully motivated to do something.”. Official Selection for the Sundance, Toronto and Berlin International Film Festivals.

CHARLIE SAYS di Mary Harron. Halloween night

Years after the shocking murders that made the name Charles Manson synonymous with pure evil, the three women who killed for him – Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel and Susan Atkins – remain under the spell of the infamous cult leader. Confined to an isolated cellblock, the trio seem destined to live out the rest of their lives under the delusion that their crimes were part of a cosmic plan, until an empathetic graduate student attempts to rehabilitate them.”A delicate and tremulous thing, at once confident and gentle, lyrically composed yet as stoic as the American masculine ideal it so carefully deconstructs.” – The Front Row.

MAY I BE HAPPY. Mindfulness in the Classroom and Beyond

May I Be Happy reveals the significance of “mindfulness” practice in transforming the lives of young people.
Through poetic cinematography and sequences of teachers leading sensitive or boisterous practices to kids from different backgrounds, the film brings awareness to the benefits of mindfulness as a way out of violence and suffering, and as an attainable solution for younger generations.
Covering varying approaches to mindfulness by a range of San Francisco Bay Area programs, May I Be Happy reminds us of children’s natural capacity for wellbeing, resilience and happiness.

EASY RIDER (versione restaurata) di Denis Hopper. Con Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda, Phil Spector

Il più famoso “film di strada” della storia del cinema. Il tema classico del viaggio si mescola con quelli della cultura alternativa degli anni ’60: marijuana, musica pop, protesta hippy, pacifismo, crisi del mito americano.
Davvero epica la colonna sonora con brani di The Band, Byrds, Jimi Hendrix e Steppenwolf.
A presentare il film, nella versione appena restaurata a cura della Cineteca di Bologna, sarà lo sceneggiatore e scrittore Marco Videtta.

EL PEPE. Una vida suprema. Emir Kusturica incontra Pepe Mujica

El Pepe is the guerrilla-style cognomen of former Uruguayan President José Mujica, who led the South American country from 2010 to 2015. Double Palme d’Or-winner Emir Kusturica started work on a film when Mujica was in the last months of his presidency. A series of conversations between the two titans is the backbone to El Pepe, a Supreme Life.

Kusturica opt for an impressionistic and intimate portrait rather than photographic detail or regurgitating facts. He mixes in footage from Costa Gavras’s 1972 political drama State of Siege as representing the era. But for the most part, Kusturica is happy to sit back, smoke a cigar and let Mujica have his moment. 

The film was played out of competition at the last Venice Film Festival.

ANTROPOCENE. L’epoca umana | Sundance Film Festival | Berlinale

On completion of the Global Climate Change Week 2019 Detour Cinema presents a cinematic meditation on humanity’s massive re-engineering of the planet. ANTHROPOCENE: The Human Epoch is a four years in the making feature documentary film from the multiple-award winning team of Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, and Edward Burtynsky. Narrated by Alicia Vikander. | “Masterfully detailed, captivating you visually with a subtle yet haunting musical layer to tell a difficult yet necessary story.” | “To reach a better future, we have first to imagine it. Anthropocene elucidates our monstrous deeds in a way that is observational rather than condemnatory.” | “As the filmmakers release us from our trance, we emerge concerned, horrified, but hopefully motivated to do something.”. Official Selection for the Sundance, Toronto and Berlin International Film Festivals.

BÎR – WELL by Veysi Altay

In the 1990s many people in Kurdistan were taken into custody and interrogated under torture; their killers disposed of the bodies by throwing them out of helicopters, or burying them in acid-filled wells. Thousands were murdered/disappeared by paramilitary forces—such as Jitem and Hizbul-Kontra—that were financed and supported by the state, though they have always stuck to the line: “We didn’t do it.” The documentary ‘BÎR’ looks at the case of seven people, including four children, who were disappeared from the town of Kerboran [Dargeçit] in 1995, and tells the story of their families’ tireless search for their bones.