A look at the economic paradox of technological unemployment, wherein modern society focuses on creating jobs, but technology offers people the unique opportunity to work less and less. In The Same Boat is an artistic and sophisticated analysis of the effects of globalisation on the world, which presents an optimistic argument for the future of the planet. Guided by some of the world’s leading radical figures, from Zygmunt Bauman to Serge Latouche, In The Same Boat travels the world discovering the views of its people on work, happiness, the environment, and the economy. Supported by Rudy Gnutti ‘s stunning cinematography and compositions, this film will transform your understanding of the modern world.

KUSAMA INFINITY di Heather Lenz.
Trailblazer Yayoi Kusama’s turbulent quest to become a world famous artist is documented in Kusama – Infinity; as a rival of Warhol in the ‘60s, Kusama battled sexism and racism in America while her hallucinations of polka dots eventually led her to the Tokyo mental institution she has called home for over 30 years.

LA DONNA ELETTRICA di Benedikt Erlingsson. Cannes Film Festival 2018
Halla, a woman in her forties, declares war on the local aluminum industry to prevent it from disfiguring her country. She risks all she has to protect the highlands of Iceland-but the situation could change with the unexpected arrival of a small orphan in her life.

DREAMING MURAKAMI | Pagine Nascoste FestivaLetteratura | ULTIMA PROIEZIONE
When Mette Holm begins to translate Haruki Murakami’s debut novel Kaze no uta o kike (Hear the Wind Sing), a two-meter-tall frog shows up at an underground station in Tokyo. The Frog follows her, determined to engage the translator in its fight against the gigantic Worm, which is slowly waking from a deep sleep, ready to destroy the world with hatred. More than twenty years ago, Mette read a novel by Haruki Murakami, who had yet to reach literary stardom. Back then, she had no idea how the Japanese author’s imagined worlds would steadily shape and transform her own. Since then Mette Holm has spent thousands of hours translating Murakami’s puzzling and widely discussed stories to his Danish readers.
IN THE SAME BOAT. Con Zygmunt Bauman e Serge Latouche
Prima visione a Roma. A seguire incontro con il regista Eugène Green a cura di Art Digiland. In una Lisbona onirica pervasa dalle sonorità struggenti del fado, Julie, un’attrice francese che parla il portoghese, è stata scritturata per le riprese di un film ispirato al testo delle Lettere Portoghesi, nel ruolo di una religiosa del 17° secolo che si innamora di un giovane ufficiale francese. Attraverso i suoi incontri, cerca dare una nuova direzione alla sua vita.

SECRET INGREDIENT by Gjorce Stavreski. The Indie European comedy of the year
Skopje, Macedonia. With the economy in recession and wage payments months overdue Vele, a mechanic who work in a train depot, struggles to afford medicine for his ailing father afflicted with a cancer. When he accidentally finds in a wagon a packet of marijuana, clandestinely smuggled and hidden on an incoming train, he steals it to make a cake for his father, to relieve his pains and passing it off as an experimental new treatment. Soon the grapevine is buzzing with news of Vele’s miraculous healing powers and he suddenly finds himself cornered by an odd-couple of gangster goons on the trail of the drugs and the nosy neighbors who queue outside his apartment door to clamor the recipe for the “healing” cake.

STYX proiezione e incontro a ingresso gratuito a cura di Amnesty
Rike embodies a typical Western model of happiness and success. She is educated, confident, determined and committed. We see Rike’s everyday life, as an emergency doctor, before she fulfills a long-held dream and sails out to sea alone in her sailing boat. Her goal: Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean. But her dream holiday is quickly broken off on the high seas, when, after a storm, she finds herself near a stricken fishing boat. Around a hundred people are about to drown. Rike follows maritime law and radios for help. As her request is going nowhere, she is forced to make a momentous decision.
Mike Cooper Live Impro > THE INHUMAN WOMAN
Claire Lescot is a famous prima donna. All men want to be loved by her. Among them is the young scientist Einar Norsen. When she mocks at him, he leaves her house with the declared intention to kill himself… But the story is much less important than the scenery : this movie intended to be a manifesto of the modern decorative arts. *** Live music impro by Mike Cooper. ***

FOTOGRAFIA XIV Edizione > Corsi Base e Avanzato Marzo 2019
Alla Quattordicesima edizione, questo è il corso che cercavi. Se hai perso la prima lezione contatta la docente per un recupero privato e per l’iscrizione! Sei ancora in tempo. Una docente professionista che metterà a disposizione tutte le sue conoscenze e il suo sapere, non perderai neanche una lezione perché la potrai recuperare. Patrizia Copponi è fotoreporter dal 1980. Ha collaborato con i maggiori settimanali, quotidiani e mensili italiani ed esteri. Si occupa da decenni dell’Organizzazione di attività culturali sulla comunicazione visiva e dell’insegnamento della Fotografia. Insegna al Detour dal 2012 con dedizione e passione.

On the Road Film Festival | Entry Form 2019
On the Road Film Festival. An itinerant and independent cinema festival, both on the road and borderline. Errant images, displacements and psycho-geographical drifts. Call for Entries and Regulations 2018. Please read carefully the terms of the regulations before submitting your film. In order to submit your film, an online entry form must be filled out either on Detour website or, alternatively, on one of the associate web-based platforms.