Suspiria e dintorni, il nuovo libro nell’ambito della collana dedicata dalle edizioni Ardigiland all’uso artistico della luce nel cinema e nel teatro. I curatori Piercesare Stagni e Valentina Valente hanno intervistato Tovoli partendo dai test effettuati per la fotografia per arrivare ai processi di stampa, permettendoci così di rivivere un’incredibile avventura estetica. Dopo l’incontro proiezione di Suspiria nella versione restaurata a cura di Luciano Tovoli per iniziativa dell’americana Synapse Film.
In Arabic, “Yallah!” could be translated to “let’s go”, an encouragement to go further, to keep going. In a crowded cafe of Qalandia refugee camp, during a football match, one “Yallah!” echos another: excitement, passion, frustration sometimes. “Yallah! Yallah!” is Mohammed’s journey toward the realization of his dream. The movie is also a journey through Palestine.

ARRIVEDERCI SAIGON. Biennale del Cinema di Venezia 2018
They are very young and come from all over the industrial districts of Tuscany, so different from the famous hills of Chianti: the steelworks of Piombino, the port of Livorno and the Piaggio factories in Pontedera. It is the red province of “houses of the people” and the Italian Communist Party. Getting away from this region is a dream for them, but this is 1968 and everything is possible! They receive an offer they can’t turn down, a tour in the Far East: Manila, Hong Kong, Singapore. Armed with musical instruments and a desire to sing, they set off hoping for success but find themselves in the middle of a war, and the war is the real one of Vietnam. Fifty years later Le Stars tell the story of their adventure amongst American soldiers, remote jungle bases and soul music.

À VOIX HAUTE – LA FORCE DE LA PAROLE. Nommé aux César 2018
Nommé aux César 2018 dans la catégorie du Meilleur film documentaire. Chaque année à l’Université de Saint-Denis se déroule le concours “Eloquentia”, qui vise à élire « le meilleur orateur du 93 ». Des étudiants de cette université issus de tout cursus, décident d’y participer et s’y préparent grâce à des professionnels (avocats, slameurs, metteurs en scène…) qui leur enseignent le difficile exercice de la prise de parole en public. Au fil des semaines, ils vont apprendre les ressorts subtils de la rhétorique, et vont s’affirmer, se révéler aux autres, et surtout à eux-mêmes. Munis de ces armes, Leïla, Elhadj, Eddy et les autres, s’affrontent et tentent de remporter ce concours pour devenir « le meilleur orateur du 93 ».
Jean-Michel Basquiat & Jim Jarmusch in BOOM FOR REAL
Never-before-seen works, writings and photographs offer insight into the life of Jean-Michel Basquiat as a teenager in New York in the late 1970s. The times, the people and the movements of the city help Basquiat form his artistic vision. With: Jim Jarmusch, Alexis Adler, Al Diaz, Fred Brathwaite aka Fab 5 Freddy, Lee Quiñones, Felice Rosser, Jennifer Jazz, Luc Sante, Carlo McCormick, Glenn O’Brien, Michael Holman, James Nares, Coleen Fitzgibbon, Kenny Scharf, Sur Rodney (Sur), Patricia Field, Mary-Ann Monforton, Diego Cortez, Bud Kliment.