Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky | OTRFF5 > Out of Competition
Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.
Detour coming soon. Follow us on facebook and/or subscribing our newsletter.
LA DANZA DE LA REALIDAD by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.
LA DANZA DELLA REALTÀ di Alejandro Jodorowsky > Detour cult movie
A grande richiesta dopo un anno di tutto esaurito, in esclusiva al Cinema Detour un’altra proiezione di questo capolavoro! Dopo ben 23 anni di attesa Alejandro Jodorowsky, il regista cult di Santa Sangre e di La montagna Sacra, con un’autobiografia immaginaria, rilegge gli anni dell’infanzia del rivoluzionario scrittore, fumettista, saggista, drammaturgo, cineasta, tarologo e poeta cileno, in una catena di ricordi e sogni, grottesca e straniata.

LA DANZA DELLA REALTÀ di Alejandro Jodorowsky
A grande richiesta dopo mesi di tutto esaurito, in esclusiva al Cinema Detour l’ultima proiezione di questo capolavoro! Dopo ben 23 anni di attesa Alejandro Jodorowsky, il regista cult di Santa Sangre e di La montagna Sacra, con un’autobiografia immaginaria, rilegge gli anni dell’infanzia del rivoluzionario scrittore, fumettista, saggista, drammaturgo, cineasta, tarologo e poeta cileno, in una catena di ricordi e sogni, grottesca e straniata.

LA DANZA DELLA REALTÀ di Alejandro Jodorowsky – A grande richiesta
A grande richiesta dopo mesi di TUTTO ESAURITO, in esclusiva al Cinema Detour! Selezionato al Festival di Cannes arriva dopo ben 23 anni di attesa il capolavoro di Alejandro Jodorowsky, il regista cult di Santa Sangre e di La montagna Sacra. Un’autobiografia immaginaria che rilegge gli anni dell’infanzia del rivoluzionario scrittore, fumettista, saggista, drammaturgo, cineasta, tarologo e poeta cileno, in una catena di ricordi e sogni, grottesca e straniata.