In the midst of a dazzling and prolific career at the forefront of modern jazz innovation, Miles Davis virtually disappears from public view for a period of five years in the late 1970s. Alone and holed up in his home, he is beset by chronic pain from a deteriorating hip, his musical voice stifled and numbed by drugs and pain medications, his mind haunted by unsettling ghosts from the past. “MILES AHEAD is not just about the music. It’s about what we all face at one time or another in our lives; questions about who we really are, what we have to say and how will we say it. How will we ultimately be defined and who gets to say so?”
I’M NOT YOUR NEGRO. Nomination Oscar 2017
I Am Not Your Negro is a journey into black history that connects the past of the Civil Rights movement to the present of #BlackLivesMatter. It is a film that questions black representation in Hollywood and beyond. And, ultimately, by confronting the deeper connections between the lives and assassination of these three leaders, Baldwin and Peck have produced a work that challenges the very definition of what America stands for.
MILES AHEAD. City Premiere @ Detour Cinema – Rome
OTRFF 2017 City Premiere – English o.v. with Italian subtitles. In the midst of a dazzling and prolific career at the forefront of modern jazz innovation, Miles Davis virtually disappears from public view for a period of five years in the late 1970s. Alone and holed up in his home, he is beset by chronic pain from a deteriorating hip, his musical voice stifled and numbed by drugs and pain medications, his mind haunted by unsettling ghosts from the past. “MILES AHEAD is not just about the music. It’s about what we all face at one time or another in our lives; questions about who we really are, what we have to say and how will we say it. How will we ultimately be defined and who gets to say so?”
A WAY OUT by Cherelle Zheng > LUCI DALLA CINA Chinese Independent Documentary Festival
October 6-13-20 LUCI DALLA CINA. Chinese Independent Documentary Festival. V.o. subtitles Italian.

October 6-13-20 > LUCI DALLA CINA Chinese Independent Documentary Festival
October 6-13-20 LUCI DALLA CINA. Chinese Independent Documentary Festival. V.o. subtitles Italian.

MILES AHEAD. City Premiere @ Detour Cinema – Rome
OTRFF 2017 City Premiere – English o.v. with Italian subtitles. In the midst of a dazzling and prolific career at the forefront of modern jazz innovation, Miles Davis virtually disappears from public view for a period of five years in the late 1970s. Alone and holed up in his home, he is beset by chronic pain from a deteriorating hip, his musical voice stifled and numbed by drugs and pain medications, his mind haunted by unsettling ghosts from the past. “MILES AHEAD is not just about the music. It’s about what we all face at one time or another in our lives; questions about who we really are, what we have to say and how will we say it. How will we ultimately be defined and who gets to say so?”
LIBERATION DAY > A North Korean Rock Tour
Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fan turned director and cultural diplomat, and to the surprise of a whole world, the ex-Yugoslavian cult band Laibach becomes the first rock group ever to perform in the fortress state of North Korea. Confronting strict ideology and cultural differences, the band struggles to get their songs through the needle’s eye of censorship before they can be unleashed on an audience never before exposed to alternative rock’n’roll. Meanwhile, propaganda loudspeakers are being set up at the border between the two Koreas and a countdown to war is announced. The hills are alive…with the sound of music.
David Lynch takes us on an intimate journey through the formative years of his life. From his idyllic upbringing in small town America to the dark streets of Philadelphia, we follow Lynch as he traces the events that have helped to shape one of cinema’s most enigmatic directors. David Lynch the Art Life infuses Lynch’s own art, music and early films, shining a light into the dark corners of his unique world, giving audiences a better understanding of the man and the artist. As Lynch states “I think every time you do something, like a painting or whatever, you go with ideas and sometimes the past can conjure those ideas and color them, even if they’re new ideas, the past colors them.”
SUL CAMMINO DI YU-BIN di Jean Christophe Yu > LUCI DALLA CINA Chinese Independent Documentary Festival
October 6-13-20 LUCI DALLA CINA. Chinese Independent Documentary Festival. V.o. subtitles Italian.
Presentato nella sezione Italia Film Fest del Bif&st 2017, il film, è la trasposizione cinematografica del romanzo di Carlo D’Amicis pubblicato da Minimum Fax. Prima produzione cinematografica della Minimum fax media, La Guerra dei cafoni, è una favola ironica e spietata sul concetto di lotta tra Bene e Male con un cast di giovani (non) attori irresistibili.
A Torrematta, territorio selvaggio e sconfinato in cui non vi e` traccia di adulti se si esclude il gestore di un capanno-bar, ogni estate si combatte una lotta tra bande: da una parte i figli dei ricchi, i signori, e dall’altra i figli della terra, i cafoni. A capo dei rispettivi schieramenti si fronteggiano il fascinoso Francisco Marinho e il cupo Scaleno. Si combattono dalla culla, trascinando nel conflitto di classe i propri “soldati”.