Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness.
Director Clémentine Deroudille is a French journalist, author and curator who has also worked as a radio producer for France Culture. Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens tells the story of her grandfather.
Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness.
Director Clémentine Deroudille is a French journalist, author and curator who has also worked as a radio producer for France Culture. Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens tells the story of her grandfather.
Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness.
Director Clémentine Deroudille is a French journalist, author and curator who has also worked as a radio producer for France Culture. Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens tells the story of her grandfather.

Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness.
Director Clémentine Deroudille is a French journalist, author and curator who has also worked as a radio producer for France Culture. Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens tells the story of her grandfather.
Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness.
Director Clémentine Deroudille is a French journalist, author and curator who has also worked as a radio producer for France Culture. Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens tells the story of her grandfather.

Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness.
Director Clémentine Deroudille is a French journalist, author and curator who has also worked as a radio producer for France Culture. Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens tells the story of her grandfather.

ON THE ROAD FILM FESTIVAL – New extended Deadline!
On the Road Film Festival 5th edition: NEW DEADLINE for submitting >> 9.16.2017

Detour’s Roman Holiday
Detour Cinema wishes you alla a great summer. See you in September for our new season of film screenings, festivals, exhibitions, live music sets, courses and workshops. Follow us on facebook and/or subscribing our newsletter!
Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness.
Director Clémentine Deroudille is a French journalist, author and curator who has also worked as a radio producer for France Culture. Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens tells the story of her grandfather.
sab 12 set LES AMOURS IMAGINAIRES. Inedito in Italia di Xavier Dolan
Francis e Marie sono due amici che s’innamorano dello stesso uomo, Nicolas, un giovane che proviene dalla campagna e che si è appena trasferito a Montreal. Un vero colpo di fulmine per entrambi che si sforzano, ciascuno per conto proprio, come in un malefico duello, di attirare le attenzioni di Nicolas. Di volta in volta la tensione tra i personaggi cresce sempre più, e presto ognuno di loro interpreta in modo ossessivo i comportamenti ambigui e distruttivi dell’oggetto del loro desiderio. / FRA: L’histoire se déroule dans le milieu artistico-estudiantin aisé de Montréal. Francis, 20 ans environ, et Marie, un peu plus âgée, sont deux amis très proches. Lors d’un petit dîner chez Francis, ils éprouvent un coup de cœur simultané pour le même garçon, Nicolas. Chacun des deux amis lui manifeste son intérêt et tente de le séduire. Nicolas, jouant la séduction ambiguë vis-à-vis des deux, ne manifeste pas de réelle préférence. Un étrange trio amoureux se forme.