After a painful break-up with her boyfriend in NYC, Italian actress and fashion model Chantal Ughi discovered that Muay Thai was the only way to deal with her rage and to confront the violence she suffered as a child. She went to Thailand to train for four weeks, but ended up moving there for five years, training and fighting, modifying both mind and body and reaching the highest level possible in the martial art. Now, after a one-year hiatus, Chantal is back in the ring, ready to fight her demons and to reopen old wounds, as she attempts to become world cham


After a painful break-up with her boyfriend in NYC, Italian actress and fashion model Chantal Ughi discovered that Muay Thai was the only way to deal with her rage and to confront the violence she suffered as a child. She went to Thailand to train for four weeks, but ended up moving there for five years, training and fighting, modifying both mind and body and reaching the highest level possible in the martial art. Now, after a one-year hiatus, Chantal is back in the ring, ready to fight her demons and to reopen old wounds, as she attempts to become world champion again.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

On the Road Film Festival – Call for Entries 2017

ON THE ROAD FILM FESTIVAL. Call for Entries and Regulations 2017. Deadlines: Early-bird (30% off) May 31, 2017; Regular, September 9, 2017. OTRFF is an “on the Road” and crossing-borders Independent Film Festival which is historically organised as an event with a wandering location for the screenings in independent and unusual places in Rome and in Lazio. The Festival traces an harmonious path for the International Independent Cinema with previews and unpublished works connected with the journey, with the wandering geographies, with nomadics, with digressions from fixed paths and meanderings.

On the Road FF 2016 | Mappature. Proiezioni itineranti nel Lazio / Intinerant Screenings in Lazio

On the Road Film Festival 2016. Mappature. Proiezioni itineranti nel Lazio / Itinerant screenings in Lazio. Ottobre-dicembre 2016: TOLFA (RM) TSFF TEATRO CLAUDIO, VITERBO “CINEMA TRENTO”, APRILIA (LT) “EX-MATTATOIO / LA FRECCIA”, POGGIO CATINO (RI) “LA DAMA BIANCA”, VITERBO “COSMONAUTA”

On the Road FF 2016 | Awards 2016

On the Road Film Festival 2016. Di seguito l’elenco ufficiale e definitivo dei premi e delle menzioni speciali, conferiti dalle giurie, dal pubblico in sala, dal comitato promotore e dai partners nel corso della cerimonia di premiazione del 29 ottobre 2016. // Sezione “THE ROAD” / Lungometraggi – Presidente Giuria: Mariuccia Ciotta, critica cinematografica, giornalista, scrittrice e saggista. Giurati: Donatello Fumarola, critico e distributore cinematografico, autore televisivo RAI 3 – Fuori Orario e Cristina Torelli, autrice televisiva, operatrice culturale. // Sezione “SHORT>CUTS” / cortometraggi – Presidente Giuria: Chiara Rapaccini, scrittrice pittrice illustratrice ideatrice della serie “Amori Sfigati”. Giurati: Francesco Conte, giornalista, filmmaker, blogger, mediattivista, responsabile di Termini TV, e Ornella Vaiani operatrice culturale e storico e critico dell’arte

RIZ CANTONAIS | OtR FF 2016 | In Competition

On the Road Film Festival 2016 | The Road Official Selection | In Competition. Anteprima romana. Vincitore del Jean Rouche Festival di Parigi. Mia e sua nonna vivono insieme a Parigi ma non hanno mai parlato la stessa lingua. Mia non ha mai imparato il cantonese. La nonna ama il formaggio francese, ma non ha mai imparato la lingua. Il padre di Mia si incarica malvolentieri di fare da interprete. / My eyes may have the Chinese slant, but I speak French, not Chinese. My Cantonese grandmother loves French cheese but not the language. We both live in Paris. Our mutual interpreter is my oft-reluctant father. And so I set out to meet other Chinese immigrants – people of different languages and backgrounds. It has allowed to me to give some sense to being deprived of my father’s mother tongue.

GOOD BYE DARLING. I’M OFF TO FIGHT | OtR FF 2016 | In Competition | Film di apertura

On the Road Film Festival 2016 | The Road Official Selection | In Competition. Film d’apertura.
Dopo un periodo di irrequieta vita newyorkese e una delusione sentimentale, l’attrice e modella italiana Chantal Ughi scopre nella Muay Thay (arte marziale conosciuta come box thailandese) un mezzo per gestire la propria rabbia e confrontarsi con la violenza subita da bambina. Migliore Opera Prima italiana al Biografilm Festival di Bologna. / After a painful break-up with her boyfriend in NYC, Italian actress and fashion model Chantal Ughi discovered that Muay Thai was the only way to deal with her rage and to confront the violence she suffered as a child. Best Italian Debut Film at 2016 Bologna Biografilm.

On the Road Film Festival – Call for Entries

Detour On the Road Film Festival 2016. Bando di Partecipazione / Call for Entries. Aperta la selezione al concorso per corti e lungometraggi on the road di ogni genere. Scadenza iscrizioni: 10 settembre 2016. Festival internazionale di cinema indipendente on the road e di frontiera, strutturato come manifestazione con vocazione itinerante in spazi di proiezioni indipendenti e inconsueti, presenta anteprime e lavori inediti legati al viaggio, alle geografie erranti, ai nomadismi, alla digressione da percorsi prestabiliti e allo sconfinamento. Questa quarta edizione intende porre l’accento su ciò che resta del viaggio: tracce, memorie, incontri. Si intende mettere a fuoco la necessità del viaggio come esperienza di contatto, di superamento, di inter-relazione con l’altro. DOTR Film Fest 016 è articolato in due sezioni competitive – THE ROAD (medio e lungometraggi >30min.) e SHORTCUTS (cortometraggi <30min.) e due sezioni fuori concorso con retrospettive, focus e laboratori. Un giuria specializzata assegnerà premi in denaro, in servizi e menzioni speciali.

On the Road Film Festival | Official Selection 2016 | In Competition

On the Road Film Festival. Official Selection 2016. Dopo aver vagliato con cura e passione le quasi 3000 opere pervenute quest’anno attraverso il bando di partecipazione, siamo lieti di poter comunicare ufficialmente la lista dei film selezionati per le due sezioni in concorso del festival. A seguire dunque l’elenco dei film finalisti, candidati ai Premi per Miglior Film On the Road e Miglior Cortometraggio On the Road assegnati dalle Giurie, ai Premi del Pubblico e alle Menzioni Speciali assegnate dal comitato selezionatore e dai partners.