Cinema Detour, Via Urbana 107 Roma
Domenica 20 maggio 2018 ore 21.00 /May 12, Sunday 2018 h9.00pm
in collaborazione con IWONDER Pictures
“Finds Abramovic facing an eclectic, esoteric string of sacred rituals, natural curative techniques and cathartic immersions with her trademark openness, curiosity and audacity.” Gary Goldstein. Los Angeles Times
Marina Abramović in Brazil
di/by Marco Del Fiol (Brasile 2017, 90′)
Proiezione in versione originale inglese e portoghese, sottotitoli in italiano / Screening in o.v. with Italian subs
Marina Abramovic viaggia per il Brasile, in cerca di ispirazione artistica e di una guarigione personale, scoprendo sacri rituali e svelando il suo processo creativo. Il percorso è ricco di incontri intensi con guaritori e saggi della campagna brasiliana, in un’esplorazione del limite tra arte e spiritualità. Il film mostra sessioni di guarigione con il medium John di Dio in Abadiania, guaritori specializzati in erbe terapeutiche a Chapada dos Veadeiros, rituali spirituali in Vale do Amanhecer a Brasilia, la forza del sincretismo religioso a Bahia, l’uso dell’ayahuasca a Chapada Diamantina, i riti sciamanici a Curitiba e l’energia dei cristalli a Minas Gerais. Questo viaggio esteriore innesca in Marina un profondo percorso introspettivo attraverso memorie, dolore ed esperienze passate.
A metà strada tra road movie e thriller spirituale, il documentario presente un approccio innovativo nella descrizione del processo creativo, inevitabilmente intimo, di una delle più importanti artiste del nostro tempo.
“I can deal with physical pain,” says Marina Abramovic, whose famous career in performance art has sometimes tested the limits of her body. “Emotional pain gives me trouble.” And so it is that this star of contemporary art takes a tour through the esoteric rituals of Brazil, seeking to rebound from four years of suffering and heartbreak. “Maria Callas died from a broken heart,” Abramovic says early on here, worrying that “I don’t want it to happen to me.”
In this outstandingly directed and photographed documentary, pioneering performance artist Marina Abramović travels through the vibrant religious community of Vale do Amanhecer in Brasilia, the seemingly endless Abadianian vistas, and the breathtaking waterfalls of Chapada dos Veadeiros to experience sacred rituals and reveal her creative process amidst the wonders of Brazil. From visits with healers, sages, shamans, and sects, to intimate personal rituals and experiences within the natural landscape, the documentary follows Abramović through a profound introspective journey of memories, pain, and past experiences.
A mixture between road movie and spiritual thriller, the film brings an unprecedented approach of the intimate creative process of one of the most important artists of our time. The Space In Between – Marina Abramović and Brazil is directed by Marco Del Fiol, who has spent the past 15 years documenting the works of Olafur Eliasson, Isaac Julien, and more. His films have exhibited in festivals at Museo Reina Sofia, the Centre Pompidou, and the Nederlands Fotomuseum, and are part of institutional collections including Israel’s Center for Contemporary Art, the Hong Kong Arts Centre, and Le Plateau in France.
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Associazione Culturale Detour – Via Urbana 107 Roma–
Ingresso con tessera annuale (4€) + quota partecipativa (5€). Pre-tesseramento QUI. Prenotazioni QUI.
Detour è affiliato all’ENAL e alla FICC (Federazione Italiana Circoli Cinema)
Admission: annual memebership (4€) + Entrance fee (6€). Membership Request HERE. Seats Reservation HERE.
Detour is affiliated FICC (Federazione Italiana Circoli Cinema) and ENAL
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