A project funded with the support of “8 per mille” of the Waldensian Church of Italy
The Stories, feminine plural. Tales of women from the past, the present and the future. 1st edition
In collaboration with Le funambole
HERSTORIES hopes to trace a path through women’s collective narratives. What we intend is to make a wide-ranging story of women’s lives, where the history of each one of us is also that of all the others.
Taking its starting point from a series of films, it tries to stimulate a dialogue with the spectators, making them actresses in their own stories. The stories converge in an audio report and a short film where each participant is encouraged to use the creative tools most congenial to her. Never more than now do we believe, thanks to prolific artistic and cultural stimuli, that being together, meeting up and socialising would be a good solution for so many malaises which this discriminatory and sometimes ruthless world generates in the most sensitive and emotionally exposed.
The Storytelling, telling each other, can improve our existence with the knowledge, the feeling of being part of an active collective. Talking about the past and the present to imagine together a better future, more equal, supportive.
The project, planned originally during the spring of 2020, has been postponed because of the restrictions following the Covid-19 emergency and now it is virtual&real.
Herstories – Audio documentary
Herstories – Video
Herstories – Webinar “Audiodoc and podcast: an introduction” with Marina Lalovic
Herstories. Photo Gallery
Cinema | Corsi e laboratori | Esposizioni | attività per bambini | Cinebar | Musica | Distribuzione indipendente |
Associazione Culturale Detour APS – Via Urbana 107 Roma www.cinedetour.it– cinedetour@tiscali.it
Ingresso con tessera annuale 5 euro + quota partecipativa. Pre-tesseramento QUI.
Detour è affiliato all’ASSO.N.A.M. e alla FICC (Federazione Italiana Circoli Cinema)
Detour segue le prassi ANTI-COVID necessarie per la salute di tutte e tutti noi.
Richiesta d’obbligo la mascherina, la pulizia delle mani, e il distanziamento di almeno un metro all’interno degli spazi dell’Associazione.
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