Finally the AWARD WINNERS of the Rome Film Awards 2017. Soon we will share the schedule for the event held in Cine Detour in Rome, on the 28th of October 2017, starting from 18:30.

Finally the AWARD WINNERS of the Rome Film Awards 2017. Soon we will share the schedule for the event held in Cine Detour in Rome, on the 28th of October 2017, starting from 18:30.
Janis Joplin is one of the most revered and iconic rock & roll singers of all time, a tragic and misunderstood figure who thrilled millions of listeners and blazed new creative trails before her death October 4th 1970 at age 27. This in depth examination presents an intimate and insightful portrait of a complicated, driven, and often beleaguered artist.
THE LAST PIG is a lyrical meditation on what it means to be a sentient creature with the power to kill. Deeply immersive, the film follows a pig farmer through his final year of slaughtering pigs. Through sparse, intimate musings, the farmer reveals the growing conflict of a life spent “peddling in death.” Through this personal journey, THE LAST PIG raises crucial questions about equality, the value of compassion and the sanctity of life.
Comis’ soul-bearing narrative carries us through his final year of farming pigs, the struggle to reinvent his life, and the ghosts that will haunt him forever.
Q&A following with Director Allison Argo and main protagonist Bob Comis. Free entrance. No membership needed.
Janis Joplin is one of the most revered and iconic rock & roll singers of all time, a tragic and misunderstood figure who thrilled millions of listeners and blazed new creative trails before her death October 4th 1970 at age 27. This in depth examination presents an intimate and insightful portrait of a complicated, driven, and often beleaguered artist.
Janis Joplin is one of the most revered and iconic rock & roll singers of all time, a tragic and misunderstood figure who thrilled millions of listeners and blazed new creative trails before her death October 4th 1970 at age 27. This in depth examination presents an intimate and insightful portrait of a complicated, driven, and often beleaguered artist.
Nuovo film inedito di Ken Loach in esclusiva al Detour. Tratto da fatti realmente accaduti, il film descrive la lotta spontanea per l’aumento del salario di un gruppo di operai di una vetreria in un piccolo centro nel Lancashire inglese, che decidono di prendere in mano il proprio destino e organizzare autonomamente una protesta in contrasto con gli stessi dirigenti sindacali./ When a pay discrepancy continues without any resolution, glass factory workers turn to their union for support. But when it is not forthcoming, they take things into their own hands.
Metà degli anni Sessanta. Frammenti di vita di 3 ragazze della working class alla ricerca di svago e divertimento: Rube, Sylvie e Eileen. Flirtano nei pub, indossano le minigonne, ballano il twist e chiacchierano con i ragazzi a lavoro. Scene girate dal vivo nelle case, nelle strade, nelle fabbriche, nei pub. Ken Loach porta sugli schermi tematiche sociali quali famiglia, amicizie, amori, sesso e aborto. OPEN FOR ENG VERSION
Kate, una giovane sotto osservazione psichiatrica che soffre di mancanza di fiducia, auto-stima e auto-controllo, racconta di una “Kate cattiva” che commette atti immorali. Le condizioni della ragazza sono la conseguenza dell’ipocrisia, dell’egoismo e della debolezza di coloro che la circondano, oppure Kate può essere solo diagnosticata e trattata come schizofrenica? // Kate, a young girl under psychiatric examination, suffers from a lack of confidence, self-esteem and self-control — telling of the “bad Kate” who commits immoral acts. Could the hypocrisy, selfishness and weakness of those around her have led to this state of mind or can Kate simply be diagnosed and dismissed as a schizophrenic? In a drama told in Loach’s convincing documentary style, writer David Mercer questioned the accepted condition of schizophrenia. The film, broadcast in The Wednesday Play series, led to heated discussions on television and in the press, while Mercer won the Writers’ Guild Award for the Best Television Play of 1967.
Inedito del grande Ken Loach proiettato per la proma volta in Italia al Detour. Kate, Il titolo prende spunto da un vecchio regolamento del Ministero degli Affari Interni britannico, in cui è previsto che debbano trascorrere tre domeniche di bel tempo tra una sentenza di condanna a morte e la sua esecuzione. Il film, tratto dall’autobiografia di James O’Connor, racconta la storia di Danny, giovane detenuto per crimini comuni che, per aiutare due compagni di cella, causa incidentalmente la morte di una guardia carceraria.
Eng: ‘Taking its title from a Home Office ruling that three clear Sundays were to elapse between a sentence of death and execution, James O’Connor’s “emotional autobiography” tells the story of Danny, a young prisoner put up to attack a warder by two old lags. When the warden dies, Danny is left to await and contemplate the ultimate punishment.
Inedito del grande Ken Loach proiettato per la proma volta in Italia al Detour. Kate, Il titolo prende spunto da un vecchio regolamento del Ministero degli Affari Interni britannico, in cui è previsto che debbano trascorrere tre domeniche di bel tempo tra una sentenza di condanna a morte e la sua esecuzione. Il film, tratto dall’autobiografia di James O’Connor, racconta la storia di Danny, giovane detenuto per crimini comuni che, per aiutare due compagni di cella, causa incidentalmente la morte di una guardia carceraria.
Eng: ‘Taking its title from a Home Office ruling that three clear Sundays were to elapse between a sentence of death and execution, James O’Connor’s “emotional autobiography” tells the story of Danny, a young prisoner put up to attack a warder by two old lags. When the warden dies, Danny is left to await and contemplate the ultimate punishment.